19 U.S.C. § 2609
Any designated archaeological or ethnological material or article of cultural property, as the case may be, which is imported into the United States in violation of section 2606 of this title or section 2607 of this title shall be subject to seizure and forfeiture. All provisions of law relating to seizure, forfeiture, and condemnation for violation of the customs laws shall apply to seizures and forfeitures incurred, or alleged to have been incurred, under this chapter, insofar as such provisions of law are applicable to, and not inconsistent with, the provisions of this chapter.
Any designated archaeological or ethnological material which is imported into the United States in violation of section 2606 of this title and which is forfeited to the United States under this chapter shall-
No return of material may be made under paragraph (1) or (2) unless the State Party or claimant, as the case may be, bears the expenses incurred incident to the return and delivery, and complies with such other requirements relating to the return as the Secretary shall prescribe.
19 U.S.C. § 2609
CODIFICATIONSection 2607 of this title, referred to in subsec. (c)(1), was in the original "section 208", and was translated as section 2607 of this title, which is section 308 of Pub. L. 97-446 as the probable intent of Congress.
EFFECTIVE DATESection effective on the 90th day after Jan. 12, 1983, or on any date which the President shall prescribe and publish in the Federal Register, with exceptions, see section 315 of Pub. L. 97-446 set out as a note under section 2601 of this title.
- Secretary
- The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate.
- State Party
- The term "State Party" means any nation which has ratified, accepted, or acceded to the Convention.
- United States
- The term "United States" includes the several States, the District of Columbia, and any territory or area the foreign relations for which the United States is responsible.
- cultural property
- The term "cultural property" includes articles described in article 1(a) through (k) of the Convention whether or not any such article is specifically designated as such by any State Party for the purposes of such article.
- designated archaeological or ethnological material
- The term "designated archaeological or ethnological material" means any archaeological or ethnological material of the State Party which-(A) is-(i) covered by an agreement under this chapter that enters into force with respect to the United States, or(ii) subject to emergency action under section 2603 of this title, and(B) is listed by regulation under section 2604 of this title.