18 U.S.C. § 793
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
if not inconsistent with this subsection.
18 U.S.C. § 793
HISTORICAL AND REVISION NOTESBased on sections 31 and 36 of title 50, U.S.C., 1940 ed., War and National Defense (June 15, 1917, ch. 30, title I, §§1, 6, 40 Stat. 217, 219; Mar. 28, 1940, ch. 72, §1, 54 Stat. 79).Section consolidated sections 31 and 36 of title 50, U.S.C., 1940 ed., War and National Defense. Words "departments or agencies" were inserted twice in conformity with definitive section 6 of this title to eliminate any possible ambiguity as to scope of section.The words "or induces or aids another" were omitted wherever occurring as unnecessary in view of definition of "principal" in section 2 of this title.Mandatory punishment provision was rephrased in the alternative.Minor changes were made in phraseology.
AMENDMENTS1996-Subsec. (h)(1). Pub. L. 104-294 inserted at end "For the purposes of this subsection, the term 'State' includes a State of the United States, the District of Columbia, and any commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States."1994- Pub. L. 103-322 substituted "fined under this title" for "fined not more than $10,000" in undesignated par. after subsec. (f).Subsec. (h)(3). Pub. L. 103-359 substituted "(p)" for "(o)" in two places.1986-Subsec. (h). Pub. L. 99-399 added subsec. (h).1950-Act Sept. 23, 1950, divided section into subdivisions, inserted laboratories and stations, and places where material or instruments for use in time of war are the subject of research or development to the list of facilities and places to which subsection (a) applies, made subsection (d) applicable only in cases in which possession, access, or control is lawful, added subsection (e) to take care of cases in which possession, access, or control, is unlawful, made subsection (f) applicable to instruments and appliances, as well as to documents, records, etc., and provided by subsection (g) a separate penalty for conspiracy to violate any provisions of this section.
INDICTMENT FOR VIOLATING THIS SECTION; LIMITATION PERIODLimitation period in connection with indictments for violating this section, see note set out under section 792 of this title.