16 U.S.C. § 831c-3
The Board may designate employees of the corporation to act as law enforcement agents in the area of jurisdiction described in subsection (c).
A law enforcement agent designated under subsection (a) shall maintain law and order and protect persons and property in the area of jurisdiction described in subsection (c) and protect property and officials and employees of the corporation outside that area.
In the performance of duties described in paragraph (1), a law enforcement agent designated under subsection (a) may-
A law enforcement agent designated under subsection (a) shall be authorized to exercise the law enforcement duties and powers described in subsection (b)-
Nothing in this section shall be construed to-
The Board shall determine and may from time-to-time modify the adjoining areas for each facility or particular area of land, or for individual categories of such facilities or lands, for the purposes of subsection (c)(1).
A notice and description of each adjoining area determination or modification of a determination made under paragraph (1) shall be published in the Federal Register.
The Board, in consultation with the Attorney General, shall adopt qualification and training standards for law enforcement agents designated under subsection (a).
A law enforcement agent designated under subsection (a) shall not be considered to be a law enforcement officer of the United States for the purposes of any other law, and no law enforcement agent designated under subsection (a) or other employee of the corporation shall receive an increase in compensation solely on account of this section.
The duties and powers of law enforcement agents designated under subsection (a) that are described in subsection (b) shall be exercised in accordance with guidelines approved by the Attorney General.
16 U.S.C. § 831c-3
AMENDMENTS2004-Subsecs. (c)(1), (e)(1), (f). Pub. L. 108-447 substituted "Board" for "board".
EFFECTIVE DATE OF 2004 AMENDMENT Amendment by Pub. L. 108-447 effective on the later of the date on which at least three persons nominated under section 604(a) of Pub. L. 108-447 take office or May 18, 2005, see section 604(b) of Pub. L. 108-447 set out in an Appointments; Effective Date; Transition note under section 831a of this title.