15 U.S.C. § 1548
For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of sections 1544 to 1548 of this title, there are authorized to be appropriated not to exceed $2,500,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976; $625,000 for the transition period of July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976; $2,500,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1977, and $2,500,000 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1978.
15 U.S.C. § 1548
CODIFICATIONSection was formerly classified to section 18d of Title 16, Conservation.
AMENDMENTS1975- Pub. L. 94-55 substituted provisions authorizing appropriations not to exceed $2,500,000 for fiscal year ending June 30, 1976, $625,000 for the transition period of July 1, 1976 through Sept. 30, 1976, $2,500,000 for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1977, and $2,500,000 for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1978, for provisions authorizing appropriations not to exceed $250,000 for fiscal year 1971 and $750,000 for fiscal year 1972. 1970- Pub. L. 91-549 substituted provisions authorizing appropriations of not more than $250,000 for fiscal year 1971 and not more than $750,000 for fiscal year 1972, for provisions which authorized appropriations of not more than $100,000 annually.