(d) The notice must be executed by the seller and read as follows: "The real property, described below, that you are about to purchase may be located in a certificated water or sewer service area, which is authorized by law to provide water or sewer service to the properties in the certificated area. If your property is located in a certificated area there may be special costs or charges that you will be required to pay before you can receive water or sewer service. There may be a period required to construct lines or other facilities necessary to provide water or sewer service to your property. You are advised to determine if the property is in a certificated area and contact the utility service provider to determine the cost that you will be required to pay and the period, if any, that is required to provide water or sewer service to your property. "The undersigned purchaser hereby acknowledges receipt of the foregoing notice at or before the execution of a binding contract for the purchase of the real property described in the notice or at closing of purchase of the real property.
Signature of Purchaser
"Except for notices included as an addendum to or paragraph of a purchase contract, the notice must be executed by the seller and purchaser, as indicated."