Section 2740d - County Board Of Education In Certain CountiesSection 1. MEMBERSHIP; TERM. The general management, supervision and control of the public free schools of counties with a population of not less than eighty thousand (80,000) and not more than one hundred thirty thousand (130,000) according to the latest Federal Census, shall be vested in a County Board of Education. The County Board of Education shall be composed of seven (7) members to be elected at the District School Trustee Election on the 1st Saturday in April, one of whom shall be elected by the qualified voters from each Commissioner's Precinct, and three (3) from the county at large, by the qualified voters of the county. All of said members shall serve for a term of three (3) years; provided that in those counties not now having seven (7) trustees, the present County Board shall appoint two (2) trustees at large to serve for a period of three (3) years. The two (2) members who were elected on the 1st Saturday in April, 1930, shall serve until April 30, 1933, or until their successors are elected and qualified. On the 1st Saturday in April, 1931, at the District School Trustee Election five (5) County School Trustees shall be elected, two (2) from the Commissioner's Precinct whose terms expire in 1931 to serve until April 30, 1932, or until their successors are elected and qualified, and three (3) from the county at large, to serve for a period of three (3) years. Annually hereafter on the 1st Saturday in April either two (2) trustees or three (3) trustees, shall be elected for a term of three (3) years.Sec. 2. ORGANIZATION. The County Board of Education of such counties shall, at their first meeting in May of each year organize by electing one member of the Board as president, and one as vice-president to preside in the absence of the president; and they shall hold such other meetings as are not provided by law and the rules and methods of procedure generally adopted by deliberative bodies for their government shall be observed. Five members present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum to do business.Sec. 3. QUALIFICATION. The County Board of Trustees shall be composed of persons of good moral character, high ideals of citizenship, and who are interested in public education. No person connected with the public schools of any district in such county either as an official or as an employee shall be eligible to serve on said County Board of Trustees.Sec. 4. VACANCIES. All vacancies arising from death, resignation, or removal from the county shall be filled by the other members of the Board of Education, and such an appointee shall fill out the unexpired term.Sec. 5. PAYMENT. The members of the County Board of Education shall receive $5.00 per day for the time spent in attending meetings, to be paid in the same manner and from the same funds as is now provided by law; provided that they may not be allowed pay for more than 20 days in any one year.Sec. 6. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT. The County Superintendents of the counties now affected by this Bill shall serve the term for which they have been elected. Ninety days prior to the term of expiration of the County Superintendent, the County Board of Education shall, at a meeting, appoint his successor, who shall serve at the pleasure of said Board, provided no such appointment shall be made unless at an election to be held on the first Saturday in April, 1930, the qualified voters shall so impower and authorize the County Board to choose the County Superintendent; if otherwise, then the County Superintendent shall continue to be an elective officer as now provided by the General Laws of Texas. It shall be the duty of the County Judge to give public notice of the submission of the proposition of the employment of the County Superintendent; and provision shall be made for the submission of the proposition on the official ballot for county school trustees. The question shall be submitted on the ballot in the following form: "For the employment of the County Superintendent of schools by the County Board of Trustees"; and
"Against the employment of the County Superintendent of schools by the County Board of Trustees."
The returns of the election on this question shall be made to the County Judge, to be canvassed by the Commissioners' Court, and such returns shall be duly canvassed and the results certified to the County Board of Trustees within thirty days after the date of said election. The County Superintendent shall be secretary of the County Board. The County Board of Education shall designate the salary of the County Superintendent of Education, subject to the provisions of this Act, provided the salary shall not be less than $3,600.00 and not more than $4,800.00. The County Board of Education shall appoint such assistants and clerical help for the County Superintendent as may be deemed necessary, subject to the provisions of this Act.
Sec. 7. SUPERVISION IN LIEU OF TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. The County Board of Education may, upon the recommendation of the County Superintendent, provide for the employment of such professional supervision as may be deemed necessary, this to be in lieu of the teachers' institute as now provided by law. The County Superintendent shall be exempt after the passage of this Act from such requirements as are now provided by law for the holding of teachers' institute; and shall be empowered to provide for such meetings of the teachers of the county as may be deemed necessary and to require the attendance of all teachers upon such meetings.Sec. 8. SCHOOL APPORTIONMENT. In making the annual per capita apportionment to the schools, the County Board of Education shall also make an annual allowance out of the State and County Available Funds for the salary and expense of the County Superintendent and such assistants, supervisors and clerical help as he may have, and such expenses shall be pro rated to all of the schools of the county; provided that in making this allowance for county administration, the per capita assessment against the scholastics of the districts shall not exceed $1.50, provided further that the salary of the County Superintendent for the month of September shall not be paid until he presents a receipt from the State Superintendent of Public Instruction showing that he has made all reports required of him. The County Superintendent shall nominate the principals and teachers for the various schools of the county under the supervision of the County Boards of Education, but this nomination shall be subject to confirmation by the district trustees. The district trustees shall have the power and right to refuse to confirm the nomination of the County Superintendent, and when such confirmation is refused, the County Superintendent shall nominate another teacher for such school, provided however, that not more than three nominations of teachers for any one teaching position be made under the provisions of this Section. In the event the district trustee should refuse to confirm the nomination of the County Superintendent as provided herein, the selection of the principal or teachers shall be by joint action of the district trustees and the County Superintendent in which case a majority vote shall prevail.Sec. 9. CONTRACTS AND PURCHASES. The district trustees shall make all purchases of equipment and supplies for the various school districts and shall contract for all buildings and improvements and repairs and all other expenditures, but where the consideration involved is more than $100.00 such contracts and purchases shall be approved by the County Superintendent. The County Board of Education may, if so authorized in writing by the district trustees, purchase supplies and equipment for all the school districts in wholesale lots, upon requisitions made by the district trustees of the various schools.Sec. 10. EQUALIZATION FUND. The County Board of Education shall at its August meeting set aside such County Available School Funds as may have accrued from investments of the County Permanent School Funds and land notes and leases, and shall supplement this with an amount not exceeding 5% of the State Available School Funds apportioned to all the schools of the county, to be used as an equalization fund to be distributed by the County Board, under such rules and regulations as may be adopted by the County Board, provided that no district shall participate in this distribution that does not levy and collect a local tax for school purposes of at least seventy-five cents on each One Hundred Dollars property valuation of such district.Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. art. 2740d
Acts 1929, 41st Leg., 2nd C.S., p. 49, ch. 31; Acts 1931, 42nd Leg., p. 798, ch. 324, Sec. 1.