Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. art. 2702
Upon the petition, duly signed and verified by the tax rolls of the county, of five hundred (500) qualified voters of any county having a population of one hundred thousand (100,000) or over, or upon the petition duly signed and verified by the tax rolls of the county of one hundred (100) qualified voters of any county having a population of not less than three thousand nine hundred sixty (3,960) and not more than four thousand (4,000), and a county having a population of not less than eight thousand six hundred (8,600) and not more than nine thousand (9,000), according to the preceding Federal Census, the County Judge shall call an election in said county within ninety (90) days thereafter to determine whether or not such county shall adopt what is commonly known as the County Unit System of Education, provided for under this law; such election to be governed by the laws governing the holding of a primary election in and for a county, in which said election is called. Separate elections shall be held in each Commissioner's Precinct in the County, and it shall require a majority vote in each such Commissioner's Precinct before the consolidation may be ordered by the Commissioners' Court. And the Commissioners' Court is hereby constituted the canvassing board for each of such precincts and the elections therein. Said election shall be held on the same day and in the same manner as provided for the holding of primary elections in this State. The County Judge shall prepare a proper form of ballot to be used in such election, and furnish such explanations of the law as in his judgment may be necessary, and transmit the same to the presiding officer of each election precinct. The results of said election shall be certified by the County Judge to the Secretary of State, and shall take effect as soon as the County Board of Education hereinafter provided for has been duly elected and qualified; and this law shall take the place of any existing General or Special Law affecting said county which may be in conflict with the provisions hereof.
Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. art. 2702