Subchapter C - BONDS
- Section 162.031 - Issuance and Sale of Bonds; Disposition of Proceeds
- Section 162.032 - Installments
- Section 162.033 - Interest Rate
- Section 162.034 - Payment and Maturity of Bonds
- Section 162.035 - Form, Denomination, and Place of Payment of Bonds
- Section 162.036 - Manner of Execution
- Section 162.037 - Signatures and Seals
- Section 162.038 - Approval By Attorney General
- Section 162.039 - Registration With Comptroller
- Section 162.040 - Validity of Bonds
- Section 162.041 - Bonds As Negotiable Instruments
- Section 162.042 - Notice for Bids on Bonds
- Section 162.043 - Security for Bid
- Section 162.044 - Sale of Bonds
- Section 162.045 - Replacement Bonds
- Section 162.046 - Refunding Bonds
- Section 162.047 - Bonds As Investments and Security
- Section 162.048 - Taxation of Bonds
- Section 162.049 - Payment of Principal and Interest
- Section 162.050 - Constitutional Appropriations
- Section 162.051 - Purchase and Destruction of Bonds
- Section 162.052 - Bond Enhancement Agreements