Tenn. Code § 66-12-112
Should a tenant, by the consent and permission of the tenant's landlord, which consent and permission shall be in writing and signed by such landlord, sell the tenant's crop or any part thereof to any purchaser, upon which there exists a lien in favor of the landlord for either rent or supplies of any kind, the purchaser shall pay the purchase price for such crop to the tenant and landlord jointly, or the purchaser shall issue the check or other written instrument given in lieu of the money for such crop, payable to the landlord and tenant jointly, and before such check or other written instrument shall be cashed or paid, it shall have written or endorsed on the back thereof the genuine signature of the landlord in the landlord's own handwriting, or in the handwriting of the landlord's duly authorized agent or attorney.
T.C.A. § 66-12-112