Section 63-7-116 - License revocation or suspension procedure - Reissuance - Contested case hearings(a) Any person may prefer charges against a nurse for violation of any grounds of discipline mentioned in § 63-7-115. The charges shall be in writing and submitted to the board unless they originate with the board or a member thereof.(b) Unless the charges are dismissed without a hearing by the board as unfounded or not warranting further investigation, the board shall, within ninety (90) days from the date on which the charges are preferred, set a time, date and place for a hearing on the charges. The date set for the hearing shall not be more than six (6) months from the date on which the charges are preferred.(c) A copy of the charges, together with the notice of the time and place of the hearing, shall be furnished to the accused, which may be done by registered mail directed to the address furnished to the board at the time of registration, at least thirty (30) days before the date fixed for the hearing.(d)(1) The chair or the vice chair of the board has the power to administer oaths, issue subpoenas and enforce the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, records and papers at any hearing on any matter that the board has power to investigate.(2) If any witness fails or refuses to obey a subpoena issued by it, the board is authorized to make application to any court of record in this state within the jurisdiction of which the witness is found or resides; and the court shall have power to attach the body of the witness and compel the witness to appear before the board and give testimony or produce books, records or papers as ordered. Any failure to obey the court order may be punished by the court issuing the order as a contempt.(3) Each witness who appears before the board by order of the board shall receive for attendance the compensation provided by law for attendance of witnesses in a court of record, which shall be paid from the funds of the board in the same manner as all other expenses of the board are paid.(e) At the hearing, the accused shall have the right to appear personally and by counsel to cross-examine witnesses to produce evidence and witnesses, and shall also have the right to have subpoenas issued by the board to compel the attendance of all witnesses considered by the parties to be necessary to a full and complete hearing.(f) After the hearing, if a majority of the members of the board present vote in favor of finding the accused guilty of any of the charges, the board shall suspend or revoke the certificate of registration of the accused as in its judgment the offense deserves.(g) Review of the action of the board in suspending or revoking any license shall be pursuant to title 27, chapter 9.(h) The board may reissue any license that it has revoked if a majority of the members of the board present vote in favor of the reissuance of the license for reasons the board may consider sufficient.(i) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, for purposes of contested case hearings and disciplinary matters, three (3) or more members shall constitute a quorum and the board chair is authorized, when it is deemed necessary, to split the board into panels of three (3) or more members, each to conduct contested case hearings or disciplinary matters. A majority vote of the members present on any duly constituted panel shall be required to authorize board action in disciplinary matters and contested case hearings. The board chair shall have the authority to appoint board members to serve, as necessary, on the panels regardless of the grand division from which the appointed member was chosen or the member's status as a nurse or non-nurse member. The participation of a non-nurse board member creates no rights in any individual concerning the composition of any panel in any disciplinary matter or contested case hearing. The unavailability of a member of any panel before rendition of a final order shall not require substitution of another member unless the unavailability results in there being less than the quorum required by this section for contested case hearings or disciplinary matters. Any substitute required shall use any existing record and may conduct any further proceedings as are necessary in the interest of justice. A decision by the panel shall be deemed an order of the board.Acts 1967, ch. 78, § 25; 1972, ch. 523, § 3; T.C.A., § 63-753; Acts 1984, ch. 755, § 7; 1985, ch. 39, §§ 8, 9, 12; 2008 , ch. 849, § 1.