Section 63-7-102 - ExemptionsNothing in this chapter shall be construed as applying to:
(1) The domestic administration of family remedies or the furnishing of assistance in the case of an emergency;(2) Persons employed in the office of a licensed physician or dentist, assisting in the nursing care of patients where adequate medical or nursing supervision, or both, is provided;(3) The practice of nursing incidental to a program of study by students enrolled in nursing education programs approved by the board;(4) Persons belonging to a recognized church or religious denomination having religious teachings and beliefs in regard to the care of the sick by prayer;(5) Care of persons in their homes by domestic servants, housekeepers, attendants or household aides of any type, whether employed regularly or because of an emergency or illness if such persons are not initially employed in a nursing capacity;(6) The practice of any lawfully qualified nurse of another state who is employed by the United States government or any bureau, division or agency thereof while in the discharge of the nurse's official duties in this state;(7) The practice of any currently licensed nurse of another state who is presenting educational programs or consultative services within this state for a period not to exceed fourteen (14) days in a calendar year;(8) The practice of any currently licensed nurse of another state whose responsibilities include transporting patients into, out of or through this state. Such exemption shall be limited to a period not to exceed forty-eight (48) hours for each transport;(9) The practice of nursing by students who are enrolled in board-approved refresher programs or comprehensive orientation programs;(10) Persons trained in accordance with § 68-1-904(c) who are:(A) Providing personal support services to clients living in their own home or private residence pursuant to a contract or agreement under any medicaid waiver or other program of the department of disability and aging;(B) Employed by agencies that are both licensed under title 33 and under contract to provide residential or adult day programs for people with intellectual disabilities and persons trained in accordance with § 68-1-904(c); or(C) Employed by community-based licensed intermediate care facilities for people with intellectual disabilities who will administer medication only at a location other than the community-based facility. The employees of the community-based licensed intermediate care facilities for people with intellectual disabilities may additionally receive medication administration training specific to the person served. For the purposes of this subdivision (10)(C), when administered by employees of the intermediate care facilities, medications shall be packaged in individual doses labeled with the name of the individual patient, the time of administration and the drug name and dosage;(11) Except for those persons covered under subdivision (10)(A), a person employed by an agency licensed under title 33, chapter 2, part 4 providing personal support services to clients living in their own home or private residence may assist the client with medication, except for injections, upon a written authorization by the client or the client's authorized representative. For the purpose of this section, assistance is limited to opening medication packaging and providing medication reminders and does not permit giving the client any form of medication. Before any such person is authorized to assist the client with medication as provided in this subdivision (11), the person shall receive and be able to document training in medication assistance performed by or under the general supervision of a registered nurse and consistent with the state's home and community-based services (HCBS) training in assisting with medications. For the purposes of this subdivision (11), assisting with medications is not to be interpreted in any manner or fashion to include, or to be the same as, medication administration that would be only appropriate and acceptable for persons who are authorized so to do by specific professional acts under this title or by rules or regulations;(12)(A) Persons trained in accordance with § 68-1-904(c)(2), who are employed by agencies that are both licensed under title 37 and under contract with the department of children's services to provide services, can assist children and youth with the self-administration of medication in a group home setting. Before that person is authorized to assist the child or youth with self-administration of medication, that person must have received and be able to document six (6) hours of training in medication administration from a registered nurse licensed pursuant to this chapter;(B) For the purposes of subdivision (12)(A), assisting with self-administration of medications is not to be interpreted in any manner or fashion to include, or to be the same as, medication administration that would be only appropriate and acceptable for persons who are authorized to do so by specific professional acts under this title or by rules or regulations; and(13) Except to the extent that it applies to the administration of medication, an individual who holds a valid medication technician certificate issued under this chapter, if the medication is administered in accordance with this chapter.Amended by 2024 Tenn. Acts, ch. 688,s 146, eff. 7/1/2024.Acts 1967, ch. 78, § 11; T.C.A., § 63-739; Acts 1982, ch. 712, § 2; 1985, ch. 39, § 1; 1993, ch. 357, § 1; 2000, ch. 947, § 6; 2004, ch. 577, § 1; 2005, ch. 210, § 2; 2005, ch. 387, § 2; 2006, ch. 846, § 1; 2007 , ch. 364, § 3; 2007 , ch. 399, § 1; 2008 , ch. 850, §§ 1, 2; 2009 , ch. 403, § 1; 2009 , ch. 477, § 1; 2010 , ch. 1100, § 99; 2011 , ch. 158, §§ 31, 32.