Section 62-3-135 - Residential barber certificate(a) No person may provide residential services without a valid residential barber certificate issued by the board pursuant to this section. Application for a residential barber certificate must be made upon application forms furnished by the board.(b) The board shall issue a residential barber certificate to an applicant who: (1) Holds a valid, current certificate of registration as a barber;(2) Pays an application fee in an amount set by the board by rule, not to exceed the cost of administering this section;(3) Pays an initial registration fee in an amount set by the board by rule; and(4) Undergoes and passes an initial inspection of the equipment used to provide residential services, as determined by the board by rule.(c) A residential barber certificate is subject to renewal at the same time that the registrant's barber registration is subject to renewal. The renewal fee for a residential barber certificate shall be set by the board by rule.(d) The board may promulgate rules regarding health and safety requirements for barbers providing residential services.(e)(1) The board may either refuse to issue or renew, or may suspend or revoke, any residential barber certificate pursuant to this section for any of the reasons in § 62-3-121.(2) The board shall revoke any residential barber certificate issued pursuant to this section if the registrant's certificate of registration as a barber expires or is revoked.(3) If a registrant's certificate of registration as a barber is suspended, the board must also suspend the registrant's residential barber certificate that has been issued, if any.(f) Any barber providing residential services shall, prior to performing such services, make the barber's residential barber certificate available to the person for review.(g) For purposes of this section:(1) "Residential barber certificate" means a certificate of registration for the provision of residential services issued by the board; and(2) "Residential services" means services set out in § 62-3-105 when provided in the residence of the person to whom the services are being rendered.Added by 2017 Tenn. Acts, ch. 102, s 2, eff. 1/1/2018.