Section 56-9-311 - Notice of liquidation order - Method - Contents - Effect of notice(a) Unless the court otherwise directs, the liquidator shall give or cause to be given notice of the liquidation order as soon as possible by: (1) First class mail and either telegram or telephone to the insurance commissioner of each jurisdiction in which the insurer is doing business;(2) First class mail to any guaranty association or foreign guaranty association that is or may become obligated as a result of the liquidation;(3) First class mail to all insurance agents of the insurer;(4) First class mail to all persons known or reasonably expected to have claims against the insurer, including all policyholders, at their last known address as indicated by the records of the insurer; and(5) Publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the insurer has its principal place of business and in any other locations the liquidator deems appropriate.(b) Except as otherwise established by the liquidator with approval of the court, notice to potential claimants under subsection (a) shall require claimants to file with the liquidator their claims, together with proper proofs under § 56-9-324, on or before a date the liquidator shall specify in the notice. The liquidator need not require persons claiming cash surrender values or other investment values in life insurance and annuities to file a claim. All claimants shall have a duty to keep the liquidator informed of any changes of address.(c)(1) Notice under subsection (a) to agents of the insurer and to potential claimants who are policyholders shall include, where applicable, notice that coverage by state guaranty associations may be available for all or part of policy benefits in accordance with applicable state guaranty laws.(2) The liquidator shall promptly provide to the guaranty associations any information concerning the identities and addresses of the policyholders and their policy coverages as may be within the liquidator's possession or control, and otherwise cooperate with guaranty associations to assist them in providing to the policyholders timely notice of the guaranty associations' coverage of policy benefits, including, as applicable, coverage of claims and continuation or termination of coverages.(d) If notice is given in accordance with this section, the distribution of assets of the insurer under this chapter shall be conclusive with respect to all claimants, whether or not they received notice.