- Section 50-6-201 - Notice of injury
- Section 50-6-202 - Electronic submission and processing of medical bills
- Section 50-6-203 - Limitation of time, claims and actions
- Section 50-6-204 - Medical treatment, attendance and hospitalization - Release of medical records - Reports - Disputes - Reimbursement or payment of expenses - Burial expenses - Physical examinations - Pain management - Impairment ratings
- Section 50-6-205 - Period of compensation - Maximum amount - Notice of payment, change or nonpayment - Records - Notice of controversy
- Section 50-6-206 - Reserved
- Section 50-6-207 - Schedule of compensation
- Section 50-6-208 - Subsequent permanent injury after sustaining previous permanent injury - Subsequent injury and vocational recovery fund - Disbursement - Settlement authority
- Section 50-6-209 - Maximum compensation
- Section 50-6-210 - Dependents - Compensation payments
- Section 50-6-211 - Contribution to payment of compensation by two or more employers - Agreement between employers
- Section 50-6-212 - Hernia or rupture
- Section 50-6-213 - Epileptics - Election not to be covered by certain provisions - Revocation
- Section 50-6-214 - Responsibility for payment of benefits and loss adjustment expenses between insurance carrier and self-insured employer
- Section 50-6-215 - Rental and assignment of PPO network rights
- Section 50-6-216 - Ombudsman program
- Section 50-6-217 - Workers' compensation appeals board
- Section 50-6-218 - Appointment of judges on the workers' compensation appeals board
- Section 50-6-219 - Education and training program for workers' compensation mediators, judges, chief judge, ombudsman and judges of the workers' compensation appeals board
- Section 50-6-220 - Reserved
- Section 50-6-221 - Receipts for payments
- Section 50-6-222 - Preference or priority of rights of compensation
- Section 50-6-223 - Exemption and nonassignability of compensation claims - Exceptions to nonassignability
- Section 50-6-224 - Reserved
- Section 50-6-225 - Appeal if dissatisfied or aggrieved by decision to certify compensation order as final
- Section 50-6-226 - Fees of attorneys and physicians, and hospital charges
- Section 50-6-227 - Reserved
- Section 50-6-228 - Reserved
- Section 50-6-229 - Commutation to lump sum payment with consent of court
- Section 50-6-230 - Reserved
- Section 50-6-231 - Reserved
- Section 50-6-232 - Present value of future installments - Deposit in trust releasing employer - Trustee to make payments
- Section 50-6-233 - Enforcement powers of administrator - Promulgation of rules and regulations to implement chapter
- Section 50-6-234 - Discontinuance or change in temporary disability benefits by employer - Resumption or increase of benefits
- Section 50-6-235 - Depositions by physicians - Written medical report - Admissibility - Schedule for charges
- Section 50-6-236 - Workers' compensation mediators program
- Section 50-6-237 - Court of workers' compensation claims
- Section 50-6-238 - Appointment of workers' compensation judges - Duties of judges - Appointment of chief judge of the court of workers' compensation claims - Duties of chief judge - Appointment of clerk of the court of workers' compensation claims - Duties of clerk
- Section 50-6-239 - Request of hearing after issuance of dispute certification notice - Issuance of notice - Permission required to present issues not certified by mediator - Conduct of hearings - Hearings of disputes on expedited basis - Discovery disputes -Penalties for failure to comply with orders - Filing fees - Judicial review of orders
- Section 50-6-240 - Approval or rejection of settlement agreements
- Section 50-6-241 - Maximum permanent partial disability awards for claims arising after July 1, 2004 but before July 1, 2014 - Public policy regarding legal immigration
- Section 50-6-242 - Additional disability benefits - Award of permanent partial disability benefits for permanent medical impairment in certain cases - Specific documented findings required - Employees not eligible or authorized to work in the United States under federal immigration laws are ineligible
- Section 50-6-243 - Reserved
- Section 50-6-244 - Statistical data form for assessment of workers' compensation system - Penalty for noncompliance
- Section 50-6-245 - Judgments with multiple findings and separate awards
- Section 50-6-246 - Reserved