- Section 50-3-901 - Delegation of powers and duties by the commissioner
- Section 50-3-902 - Delegation of power of inspection
- Section 50-3-903 - Limitation on delegation of powers
- Section 50-3-904 - Educational programs authorized
- Section 50-3-905 - Duties of attorney general and reporter and district attorneys general
- Section 50-3-906 - State departments and agencies - Responsibilities
- Section 50-3-907 - Annual report of state department and agency programs
- Section 50-3-908 - Violations by state departments or agencies - Notice
- Section 50-3-909 - Conditions or practices by state departments or agencies endangering health - Abatement
- Section 50-3-910 - Local governments' duty to employees - Treatment as private employer
- Section 50-3-911 - Inspection and enforcement of local government programs
- Section 50-3-912 - Report of failure of government programs
- Section 50-3-913 - Local governments as private employers - Enforcement not affected by notice to develop own program
- Section 50-3-914 - Trade secrets confidential
- Section 50-3-915 - Compliance with chapter - Relation of chapter to other laws
- Section 50-3-916 - Minimizing report burden
- Section 50-3-917 - Cooperation with federal government
- Section 50-3-918 - Hazardous condition - Action by commissioner - Emergency stop orders
- Section 50-3-919 - No regulation and enforcement of changes in federal regulations relating to child labor performed on farms