- Section 49-6-801 - Short title
- Section 49-6-802 - State-level safety team - Template for safety and emergency response plans
- Section 49-6-803 - Direction of safety team
- Section 49-6-804 - Adoption of comprehensive plans
- Section 49-6-805 - Template minimum requirements
- Section 49-6-806 - Appointments to district-wide and building-level school safety teams
- Section 49-6-807 - Annual drills
- Section 49-6-808 - Hearings on safety plans - Filing of plan and amendments - Confidentiality
- Section 49-6-809 - Policy authorizing off-duty law enforcement officers to serve as armed school security officers -Memorandum of understanding - List of qualified officers - Funding - Report
- Section 49-6-810 - Annual report to governor and general assembly
- Section 49-6-811 - Grant funding
- Section 49-6-812 - Consistency with harassment and bullying policies
- Section 49-6-813 - County and municipal appropriations
- Section 49-6-814 - Rules and regulations
- Section 49-6-815 - People permitted to possess and carry a firearm on school grounds
- Section 49-6-816 - Authorization of employee to carry concealed weapon on school property in distressed rural county
- Section 49-6-817 - School building entrances required to be locked
- Section 49-6-818 - School buildings constructed or remodeled after July 1, 2023
- Section 49-6-819 - De-escalation training - Creation of training - Annual training
- Section 49-6-820 - Assignment of law enforcement officer as school resource officer - Notification to director of schools and principal - LEA interference prohibited