- Section 49-6-2401 - Short title
- Section 49-6-2402 - Legislative findings
- Section 49-6-2403 - Part definitions
- Section 49-6-2404 - Authority to form community consortiums to establish community schools - Centers of communities - Designation of individual to lead implementation of programming - Eligibility for community school grant
- Section 49-6-2405 - Board and department to support and encourage LEAs in creation of community schools - Funding - Qualifications for community school grant - Duties of grant recipients
- Section 49-6-2406 - Study and report
- Section 49-6-2407 - Community of schools - Formation of community consortiums - Services for persons of all ages - Rights, privileges, and obligations
- Section 49-6-2408 - Adoption of holistic programs of positive behavior - School reports
- Section 49-6-2409 - Central headquarters for neighborhoods - Establishment of internet network architecture - Provisions of literacy classes and other programs
- Section 49-6-2410 - Identification of opportunities to support formation and effective administration of community schools