- Section 49-6-2201 - State textbook and instructional materials quality commission
- Section 49-6-2202 - List of approved textbooks and instructional materials
- Section 49-6-2203 - Contracts with publishers
- Section 49-6-2204 - Distribution of contracted textbooks and instructional materials
- Section 49-6-2205 - Emergency rules for adoption of textbooks and instructional materials
- Section 49-6-2206 - Use of unapproved books and instructional materials - Use of Common Core textbooks or materials prohibited - Alignment of textbooks and instructional materials to academic standards
- Section 49-6-2207 - Adoption of textbooks and instructional materials by local board
- Section 49-6-2208 - Disposal of surplus textbooks and instructional materials
- Section 49-6-2209 - Existing contracts preserved
- Section 49-6-2210 - Student access to textbooks
- Section 49-6-2211 - Commission independent of department of education - Limitation on department's role in textbook adoption process