- Section 49-6-1001 - Flag - Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance - Display of flag
- Section 49-6-1002 - Use of school time for athletics - Teacher salaries
- Section 49-6-1003 - [Repealed] Reserved
- Section 49-6-1004 - Period of silence or prayer
- Section 49-6-1005 - Inclusion of religion for education purposes only - Adoption of policy regarding inclusion of religion in local curriculum - Publicly available syllabus - Revision of social studies standards
- Section 49-6-1006 - [Effective Until 7/1/2025] Black history and culture
- Section 49-6-1006 - [Effective 7/1/2025] Black history and culture - Multicultural diversity
- Section 49-6-1007 - Character education
- Section 49-6-1008 - AIDS education programs - Prevention of AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases
- Section 49-6-1009 - American sign language
- Section 49-6-1010 - Computer science education
- Section 49-6-1011 - Historical documents, writings and records - Use in classrooms - Censorship prohibited
- Section 49-6-1012 - Academic acceleration policy
- Section 49-6-1013 - Textbooks or instructional materials covering personal finance
- Section 49-6-1014 - Celebrate Freedom Week
- Section 49-6-1015 - Senator Douglas Henry Tennessee History Act
- Section 49-6-1016 - Firearms safety and storage training - Age appropriate instruction - Instruction requirements - Brand affiliation prohibited
- Section 49-6-1017 - Sexual violence awareness curriculum
- Section 49-6-1018 - Governor's Civics Seal
- Section 49-6-1019 - Concepts prohibited from inclusion or promotion in course of instruction - Withholding of state funds upon violation
- Section 49-6-1020 - Recycling program
- Section 49-6-1021 - Opportunities for physical activity
- Section 49-6-1022 - School health program - School health coordinator and specialist in physical education
- Section 49-6-1023 - [Repealed] Reserved
- Section 49-6-1024 - Instruction in school safety issues
- Section 49-6-1025 - Art and music education
- Section 49-6-1026 - Approval for elective state funded course for nonsectarian, nonreligious academic study of the Bible - Course requirements
- Section 49-6-1027 - [Repealed] Reserved
- Section 49-6-1028 - Legislative findings - Public school courses and content to educate children about the United States and Tennessee governments
- Section 49-6-1029 - [Repealed] Reserved
- Section 49-6-1030 - Teaching scientific subjects in public schools
- Section 49-6-1031 - Extracurricular activities
- Section 49-6-1032 - Program to promote participation of K-12 grade students in community gardening - Elective credit permitted
- Section 49-6-1033 - Recognition of and education regarding traditional winter celebrations
- Section 49-6-1034 - Cursive writing to be included in public school course of instruction
- Section 49-6-1035 - Domestic violence awareness education programs