- Section 49-6-101 - Preschools generally - Special services
- Section 49-6-102 - Short title for Sections 49-6-103 - 49-6-110
- Section 49-6-103 - Legislative intent - Construction - Implementation
- Section 49-6-104 - Voluntary pre-kindergarten program that serves at-risk children - Enrollment - Requirements of programs
- Section 49-6-105 - Application for funding and approval - Collaborative agreements
- Section 49-6-106 - Community pre-K advisory council - Input on application by council
- Section 49-6-107 - Programs subject to annual appropriations - Matching funds - Fees and tuition
- Section 49-6-108 - Office of early learning
- Section 49-6-109 - Establishment of Tennessee preschool task force - Pilot programs - Rules promulgation
- Section 49-6-110 - Lottery proceeds