Part 2 - ANIMALS
- Section 39-14-201 - Definitions for animal offenses
- Section 39-14-202 - Cruelty to animals
- Section 39-14-203 - Cock and animal fighting - Cock fighting paraphernalia
- Section 39-14-204 - Dyed baby fowl and rabbits
- Section 39-14-205 - Knowing killing of animal
- Section 39-14-206 - Taking fish caught by another
- Section 39-14-207 - Feeding of impounded animals - Care provided by humane society - Recovery of expenses
- Section 39-14-208 - Actions deemed theft of guide dogs
- Section 39-14-209 - Horse shows
- Section 39-14-210 - Societies for prevention of cruelty to animals - Power of governmental agencies working with victimized animals
- Section 39-14-211 - Examination of livestock by commissioner of agriculture or other persons
- Section 39-14-212 - Aggravated cruelty to animals - Definitions - Construction - Penalty
- Section 39-14-213 - Removal of transmitting collars or microchip implants from dogs
- Section 39-14-214 - Criminal offenses against animals
- Section 39-14-215 - Limitation of liability
- Section 39-14-216 - Service animals
- Section 39-14-217 - Aggravated cruelty to livestock animals
- Section 39-14-218 - "Cremation" for animals defined - Receipt
- Section 39-14-219 - Knowing killing or injuring of police dog, fire dog, search and rescue dog, service animal, or police horse