Section 12-10-103 - Chapter definitionsAs used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Authority" or "public building authority" means any public corporation organized pursuant to this chapter;(2) "Bonds" or "revenue bonds" means bonds, notes, interim certificates or other obligations of an authority issued pursuant to this chapter, or pursuant to any other law, as supplemented by, or in conjunction with, this chapter;(3) "Contracting party" or "other contracting party" means any party to a sale contract or loan agreement except the authority;(4) "Governing body" means the body in which the general legislative powers of a municipal corporation are vested, and in the case of counties means the legislative body of the respective counties;(5) "Lessee" means any municipal corporation, the state of Tennessee, the United States, or any agency, authority, branch, bureau, commission, corporation, department or instrumentality thereof now or hereafter existing;(6) "Loan agreement" means an agreement providing for an authority to loan the proceeds derived from the issuance of bonds pursuant to this chapter to one (1) or more contracting parties to be used to pay the cost of one (1) or more projects and providing for the repayment of such loan by the other contracting party or parties, and which may provide for such loans to be secured by or evidenced by one (1) or more notes, debentures, bonds or other secured or unsecured debt obligations of the contracting party or parties, delivered to the authority or to the trustee under the indenture pursuant to which the bonds were issued;(7) "Municipal corporation" means any county, metropolitan government, incorporated city or town, utility district, school district, power district, sanitary district or other municipal, quasi-municipal or governmental body or political subdivision in this state, and any agency, authority, branch, bureau, commission, corporation, department or instrumentality thereof now or hereafter authorized by law to be created;(8) "Municipality" means any county, incorporated city or town or utility district in this state with respect to which an authority may be organized;(9) "Operating contract" means the written undertaking whereby the authority and a municipal corporation contract respecting construction of improvements upon and/or for the operation and maintenance of property owned by or leased by other than the authority to the municipal corporation;(10) "Project" means any undertaking which is eligible to be financed by bonds, notes, interim certificates or other obligations issued pursuant to law by any municipal corporation, the state of Tennessee or any agency, authority, branch, bureau, commission, corporation, department or instrumentality thereof, but if and only to the extent that they or any one (1) or more of them are participating as a contracting party or party to a lease under this chapter or any other provision of law; provided, that any project undertaken on behalf of the state of Tennessee or any agency, authority, branch, bureau, commission, corporation, department or instrumentality thereof, shall be subject to the approval of the state building commission, and the financing arrangements for such project shall be subject to the approval of the state funding board. "Project" includes an undertaking whereby a municipal corporation contracts with an authority respecting construction of improvements upon and/or for the operation and maintenance of property owned by or leased by other than the authority to the municipal corporation; provided, that the authority may not borrow money or issue bonds with respect thereto unless the authority has a freehold or leasehold interest in the real estate;(11) "Revenues" of a project, or derived from a project, includes payments under a lease or sale contract and repayments under a loan agreement, or under notes, debentures, bonds and other secured or unsecured debt obligations of a lease or contracting party delivered as herein provided;(12) "Sale contract" means a contract providing for the sale of one (1) or more projects to one (1) or more contracting parties and includes a contract providing for payment of the purchase price in one (1) or more installments. If the sale contract permits title to the project to pass to the other contracting party or parties prior to payment in full of the entire purchase price, it shall also provide for the other contracting party or parties to deliver to the authority or to the trustee under the indenture pursuant to which the bonds were issued one (1) or more notes, debentures, bonds or other secured or unsecured debt obligations of such contracting party or parties providing for timely payments, including, without limitation, interest thereon for the balance of the purchase price at or prior to the passage of such title; and(13) "State of Tennessee" means the state of Tennessee and, unless otherwise indicated by the context, any agency, authority, branch, bureau, commission, corporation, department or instrumentality thereof now or hereafter existing.Acts 1971, ch. 126, § 3; impl. am. Acts 1978, ch. 934, §§ 7, 36; T.C.A., § 12-903; Acts 1980, ch. 653, §§ 4, 5; 1982, ch. 902, §§ 4, 5; 1984, ch. 823, §§ 2-4; 1995, ch. 74, §§1, 2; 2008 , ch. 720, § 1.