S.D. Codified Laws § 5-21-6
If no suit should be brought by the public corporation within six months from the completion and final settlement of such contract, the person supplying the contractor with labor or material shall, upon application therefor and furnishing affidavit to the corporation that labor or material for the prosecution of such work has been supplied by him and payment for the same has not been made, be furnished with a certified copy of such contract and surety, upon which he shall have a right of action and shall be authorized to bring suit in the name of the public corporation in the circuit court for the county in which such contract was to be performed and not elsewhere, for his use and benefit, against such contractor and his surety, and to prosecute the same to final judgment; provided, that where suit is instituted by any such person on the surety of the contractor, it shall not be commenced until six months after the complete performance of such contract and final settlement thereof but must be commenced within one year thereafter; provided, further, that where suit is so instituted by any such person, only one action shall be brought, and any person may file his claim in such action and be made a party thereto within one year from the completion of the work under such contract, and not later; and provided, further, that costs shall not be taxed in such suit against the public corporation.
SDCL 5-21-6