- Section 34-23A-1 - Definition of terms
- Section 34-23A-1.1 - Attempt to perform abortion defined
- Section 34-23A-1.2 - Legislative findings-Termination of life
- Section 34-23A-1.3 - Legislative findings-Relationship between pregnant woman and unborn child
- Section 34-23A-1.4 - Legislative findings-Risks to life and health of pregnant woman
- Section 34-23A-1.5 - Legislative findings-Special protection of rights of pregnant women
- Section 34-23A-1.6 - Legislative findings-Standard of practice requiring informed consent
- Section 34-23A-1.7 - Common law cause of action for medical malpractice informed consent claims based on reasonable patient standard reaffirmed-Application to abortion procedures-Construction
- Section 34-23A-2 - [Repealed]
- Section 34-23A-2.1 - Physician to inform in case of medical emergency
- Section 34-23A-3 - [Repealed]
- Section 34-23A-4 - [Repealed]
- Section 34-23A-5 - [Repealed]
- Section 34-23A-6 - Blood supply and testing facilities to be available during abortion-Inoculations required
- Section 34-23A-7 - Forty-eight hour notice to parent or guardian for minor or incompetent female-Delivery of notice-Exceptions
- Section 34-23A-7.1 - Abortion without notification-Participation and representation of female-Confidentiality-Appeal of denial
- Section 34-23A-8, 34-23A-9 - [Repealed]
- Section 34-23A-10 - [Repealed]
- Section 34-23A-10.1 - Voluntary and informed consent required-Medical emergency exception-Information provided
- Section 34-23A-10.2 - Statement of informed consent-Misdemeanor-Report of physician's conviction-Female not penalized
- Section 34-23A-10.3 - Publication of educational materials
- Section 34-23A-10.4 - Department of Health to develop and maintain multi-media website-Contents-Collection of related statistics
- Section 34-23A-10.5 - Form required by 34-23A-10.1(1) to be prescribed by department
- Section 34-23A-11 - Counselor or social worker not liable for arranging abortion-Retaliation from employer prohibited
- Section 34-23A-12 - No liability for refusal to perform abortion
- Section 34-23A-13 - Medical facility not to discriminate for performance or refusal to perform abortion
- Section 34-23A-14 - Hospital not required to perform abortions-No liability for refusal of abortion as policy
- Section 34-23A-15 - [Repealed]
- Section 34-23A-16 - Birth certificate for live birth resulting from abortion-Death certificate on subsequent death
- Section 34-23A-16.1 - Child born alive-Preservation of life and health
- Section 34-23A-16.2 - Abortion-Child born alive-Civil and disciplinary action
- Section 34-23A-17 - Use of fetal tissue, organs, or body parts for research or transplantation prohibited-Exceptions-Violation as felony
- Section 34-23A-18 - Abortion as evidence in proceedings to terminate parental rights or to adjudicate dependency of child
- Section 34-23A-19 - Performance of abortion-Required reports-Rules
- Section 34-23A-20 - Severability of provisions
- Section 34-23A-21 - Construction of chapter
- Section 34-23A-22 - Cause of action for certain abortions-Amount of damages-Attorney's fees
- Section 34-23A-23 - Anonymity of female plaintiff-Specific written findings
- Section 34-23A-24 - Analyses of maternal mortality
- Section 34-23A-25 - Analyses of pregnancy outcomes
- Section 34-23A-26 - Publication of findings on maternal mortality and pregnancy outcomes
- Section 34-23A-27 - Partial-birth abortion prohibited-Violation a felony
- Section 34-23A-28 - Application of partial-birth abortion prohibition
- Section 34-23A-29 - Civil action for death of fetus or infant in partial-birth abortion
- Section 34-23A-30 - Money damages in partial-birth abortion
- Section 34-23A-31 - Prosecution of woman upon whom partial-birth abortion performed
- Section 34-23A-32 - Partial-birth abortion defined
- Section 34-23A-33 - Fetus and infant defined
- Section 34-23A-34 - Physician's reporting form-Contents
- Section 34-23A-35 - Submission of physician's information report
- Section 34-23A-36 - Annual public report-Information included
- Section 34-23A-37 - Information collection form
- Section 34-23A-38 - Submission of information collection form
- Section 34-23A-39 - Reporting form for use of notice described in section 34-23A-7
- Section 34-23A-40 - Submission of reporting form
- Section 34-23A-41 - Penalty for failure to submit reporting form
- Section 34-23A-42 - Failure to submit reporting form a misdemeanor
- Section 34-23A-43 - Department to ensure compliance-Inspection
- Section 34-23A-44 - Department to ensure anonymity-Confidentiality of communication
- Section 34-23A-45 - "Induced abortion" defined
- Section 34-23A-46 - Licensing of abortion facilities
- Section 34-23A-47 - Exceptions to abortion facility license requirement
- Section 34-23A-48 - Application for abortion facility license-Contents-Fee-Inspection and investigation-Renewal
- Section 34-23A-49 - Compliance inspections
- Section 34-23A-49.1 - Inspection information to be posted on department's public website
- Section 34-23A-50 - Fees to be deposited in abortion facility licensing fund
- Section 34-23A-51 - Promulgation of rules-Minimum standards for abortion facilities
- Section 34-23A-52 - Opportunity to view sonogram and hear child's heartbeat-Documentation of response to offer
- Section 34-23A-52.1 - Medical emergency exception
- Section 34-23A-53 - Definition of terms
- Section 34-23A-54 - Legislative findings
- Section 34-23A-55 - Duties of physician in addition to common law
- Section 34-23A-56 - Scheduling of abortion-Prior requirements
- Section 34-23A-57 - Patient's written signed statement
- Section 34-23A-58 - Registry of pregnancy help centers
- Section 34-23A-58.1 - Certification of conditions by pregnancy help centers
- Section 34-23A-58.2 - Pregnancy help centers placed on registry before January 1, 2012
- Section 34-23A-58.3 - Pregnancy help centers placed on registry after January 1, 2012
- Section 34-23A-58.4 - Registry may not include entities licensed to place children for adoption or perform abortions-List of licensed persons who provide counseling-Removal from registry for failure to comply
- Section 34-23A-59 - Pregnancy help center consultations
- Section 34-23A-59.1 - Licensed professionals required at pregnancy help centers
- Section 34-23A-59.2 - Release of confidential information as misdemeanor
- Section 34-23A-60 - Civil action for failure to comply with sections 34-23A-56 and 34-23A-57
- Section 34-23A-61 - Civil action for failure to comply with chapter
- Section 34-23A-62 - Repeal not implied
- Section 34-23A-63 - Definitions regarding sex-selective abortions
- Section 34-23A-64 - Sex-selective abortions prohibited-Felony
- Section 34-23A-65 - Repeal not implied
- Section 34-23A-66 - [Repealed]
- Section 34-23A-67 - Legislative findings as to unborn child capable of experiencing pain
- Section 34-23A-68 - Definitions regarding unborn child capable of experiencing pain
- Section 34-23A-69 - Abortion of unborn child capable of feeling pain prohibited-Felony-Exceptions
- Section 34-23A-70 - Time when unborn child capable of feeling pain-Diagnosis of post-fertilization age of unborn child
- Section 34-23A-71 - Intent of pregnant mother to inflict self-harm not medical emergency
- Section 34-23A-72 - Requirements when abortion of unborn child capable of feeling pain necessary due to medical emergency
- Section 34-23A-73 - Repeal not implied
- Section 34-23A-74 - Legislative finding that Planned Parenthood facility in Sioux Falls performs ninety-eight percent of abortions
- Section 34-23A-75 - Legislative finding that Planned Parenthood facility in Sioux Falls does not comply with subsections 34-23A-10.1(1)(b) and (e)(ii)
- Section 34-23A-76 - Legislative finding that Planned Parenthood facility in Sioux Falls provides written disclosures that include certain statement
- Section 34-23A-77 - Legislative finding that statement in section 34-23A-76 does not comply with subsection 34-23A-10.1(1)(e)(ii)
- Section 34-23A-78 - Legislative finding regarding noncompliance with subsection 34-23A-10.1(1)(e)(ii)
- Section 34-23A-79 - Legislative finding that Planned Parenthood facility in Sioux Falls provides written disclosures that include certain statement
- Section 34-23A-80 - Legislative finding that statement in section 34-23A-79 does not comply with subsection 34-23A-10.1(1)(b)
- Section 34-23A-81 - Legislative finding regarding noncompliance with subsection 34-23A-10.1(1)(b)
- Section 34-23A-82 - Legislative finding that Planned Parenthood facility in Sioux Falls does not comply with subsections 34-23A-10.1(1)(c) and (d)
- Section 34-23A-83 - Legislative finding that Planned Parenthood facility in Sioux Falls provides written disclosures that include certain statement
- Section 34-23A-84 - Legislative finding that statement in section 34-23A-83 fails to adequately provide, explain, or discuss disclosures required by subsections 34-23A-10.1(1)(c) and (d)
- Section 34-23A-85 - Legislative finding regarding noncompliance with subsections 34-23A-10.1(1)(c) and (d)
- Section 34-23A-86 - Legislative finding regarding pregnant mother's appreciation and understanding of disclosures required by subsections 34-23A-10.1(1)(b), (c) and (d)
- Section 34-23A-87 - Legislative finding regarding phrase "politicians in the State of South Dakota require us to tell you that..."
- Section 34-23A-88 - Legislative finding regarding inclusion of disclosures required by subsections 34-23A-10.1(1)(b), (c), and (d) in counseling provided by registered pregnancy help centers
- Section 34-23A-89 - Definition-Down syndrome
- Section 34-23A-90 - Down syndrome-Abortion prohibited-Penalty
- Section 34-23A-91 - Intentional, knowing, or negligent failure to comply-Civil action
- Section 34-23A-92 - Exemptions to save life of the mother
- Section 34-23A-93 - Nonrepealer clause
- Section 34-23A-94 - Informational video-Abortion law