Any elected or appointed state authority, board, or commission member may have an interest in a contract if:
Each member shall receive a form, developed by the attorney general, for the purpose of annual disclosure of any interest and direct benefit covered by the provisions of this chapter. In addition to any interest in a contract and direct benefit covered by the provisions of this chapter, the member shall also disclose at least annually any ownership interest of five percent or greater in any entity that receives grant money from the state, either directly or by a pass-through grant, or that contracts with the state or any political subdivision for services. An authority, board, or commission member who has an interest in a contract pursuant to this section shall disclose the existence of a contract in which the member has an interest but for which authorization by the authority, board, or commission is not required for the person to have an interest in the contract. The auditor-general shall compile and present any disclosure annually for review by the Department of Legislative Audit and the Government Operations and Audit Committee.
SDCL 3-23-3.1