The parent, guardian, or other legal custodian of the minor may execute a written application for the minor's admission. The execution of an application for admission shall be preceded by an explanation by the administrator or facility director to the parent, guardian, or other legal custodian and minor of the nature of inpatient status, including the types of treatment available, the restraints and restrictions to which the minor may be subject, a statement of the parent's, guardian's, or other legal custodian's rights and minor's rights under this title, including the minor's right to object to admission, and the right to view and copy records, under this title. Nothing in this chapter precludes the administrator or facility director or attending psychiatrist from arranging for and referring the parent, guardian, or other legal custodian and minor to the mental health center designated as the service center for the area in which the inpatient psychiatric facility is located for an independent clinical evaluation.
SDCL 27A-15-8