Within ten days after the admission of a minor by parent, guardian, or other legal custodian under this chapter, the administrator or facility director shall ensure that a written comprehensive individualized treatment plan has been developed and implemented for the minor by appropriate qualified mental health professionals including a psychiatrist, and has been explained to the minor and to the parent, guardian, or other legal custodian consenting to the admission.
The treatment plan shall be based on a diagnostic evaluation that includes examination of the medical, psychological, social, behavioral, educational, and developmental aspects of the minor's situation and reflects the need for inpatient treatment. The plan shall be designed to maximize each person's development and acquisition of perceptual skills, social skills, self-direction, emotional stability, effective use of time, basic knowledge, vocational occupational skills, and social and economic values relevant to the community in which the minor lives and to achieve the minor's discharge from inpatient treatment at the earliest appropriate time. The plan shall include specific behavioral, emotional, and other treatment goals against which the success of treatment may be measured and shall prescribe an integrated program of therapies, experiences, and activities, including recreational and play opportunities in the open air, designed to meet the goals. No plan may consist solely of chemical therapy unless supported by sufficient psychiatric and medical opinion. The minor shall be involved in the preparation of the plan to the maximum feasible extent consistent with the minor's ability to understand and participate, and the minor's family shall be involved to the maximum extent consistent with the minor's treatment needs. The plan shall include post-discharge plans for placement and aftercare as provided in § 27A-15-27.
SDCL 27A-15-21