Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 9-832
The director may refuse to award a contract to any applicant and may terminate the contract of or initiate an administrative action to levy a fine against a lottery game retailer who violates any provision of the State Lottery Act or any rule or regulation adopted pursuant to the act. A fine may be levied against a lottery game retailer by the Tax Commissioner and shall not exceed one thousand dollars per violation. In determining whether to impose a fine and the amount of the fine if any fine is imposed, the Tax Commissioner shall take into consideration the seriousness of the violation and the extent to which the lottery game retailer derived financial gain as a result of the violation. All money collected by the division as a fine shall be remitted on a monthly basis to the State Treasurer for credit to the permanent school fund. Any fine imposed by the Tax Commissioner and unpaid shall constitute a debt to the State of Nebraska which may be collected by lien foreclosure or sued for and recovered in any proper form of action, in the name of the State of Nebraska, in the district court of the county in which the violator resides or owns property. If the director decides to terminate a contract or initiate an administrative action to levy a fine, the aggrieved party shall be entitled to a hearing before the Tax Commissioner or his or her designee by filing a written request with the Tax Commissioner within ten days after notification of the director's intention to terminate a contract or initiate an administrative action to levy a fine. Upon receipt of such request, the Tax Commissioner shall set a hearing date which shall be within thirty days of receipt of the request and shall notify the aggrieved party, in writing, of the time and place for the hearing. Such notice shall be given as soon as the date is set and at least seven days in advance of the hearing date. The Tax Commissioner or his or her designee may stay the termination of a contract pending the outcome of the hearing if so requested by the aggrieved party at the time of filing the written request for hearing.
The Tax Commissioner may affirm, reverse, or modify the action of the director. The order or decision of the Tax Commissioner may be appealed to the district court of Lancaster County in the manner prescribed in section 9-821.
Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 9-832