Section 9-810 - Lottery ticket; restrictions on sale and purchase; computation of retail sales; termination of liability; prize credited against certain tax liability or debt; procedure(1) A person under nineteen years of age shall not purchase a lottery ticket. No lottery ticket shall be sold to any person under nineteen years of age. No person shall purchase a lottery ticket for a person under nineteen years of age, and no person shall purchase a lottery ticket for the benefit of a person under nineteen years of age.(2) No lottery ticket shall be sold and no prize shall be awarded to the Tax Commissioner, the director, or any employee of the division or any spouse, child, brother, sister, or parent residing as a member of the same household in the principal place of abode of the Tax Commissioner, the director, or any employee of the division.(3) With respect to a lottery game retailer under contract to sell lottery tickets whose rental payment for premises is contractually computed in whole or in part on the basis of a percentage of retail sales and when the computation of retail sales is not explicitly defined to include the sale of lottery tickets, the amount of retail sales for lottery tickets by the retailer for purposes of such a computation may not exceed the amount of compensation received by the retailer from the division.(4) Once any prize is awarded in conformance with the State Lottery Act and any rules and regulations adopted under the act, the state shall have no further liability with respect to that prize.(5) Prior to the payment of any lottery prize in excess of five hundred dollars for a winning lottery ticket presented for redemption to the division, the division shall check the name and social security number of the winner with a list provided by the Department of Revenue of people identified as having an outstanding state tax liability and a list of people certified by the Department of Health and Human Services as owing a debt as defined in section 77-27,161. The division shall credit any such lottery prize against any outstanding state tax liability owed by such winner and the balance of such prize amount, if any, shall be paid to the winner by the division. The division shall credit any such lottery prize against any certified debt in the manner set forth in sections 77-27,160 to 77-27,173. If the winner has both an outstanding state tax liability and a certified debt, the division shall first credit any such lottery prize against any certified debt in the manner set forth in sections 77-27,160 to 77-27,173 until such debt is satisfied and then against any outstanding state tax liability until such liability is satisfied.Laws 1991, LB 849, § 10; Laws 1993, LB 563, § 23; Laws 1993, LB 138, § 26; Laws 1996, LB 1044, § 44; Laws 1997, LB 307, § 1; Laws 2024, LB1317, § 47. Amended by Laws 2024, LB 1317,§ 47, eff. 7/19/2024.