Section 79-3405 - Property tax request authority; election to exceed; procedure; base growth percentage; increase; procedure(1) A school district's property tax request may exceed its property tax request authority by an amount approved by a sixty percent majority of legal voters voting on the issue at a special election called for such purpose upon the recommendation of the school board of such school district or upon the receipt by the county clerk or election commissioner of a petition requesting an election signed by at least five percent of the legal voters of the school district. The recommendation of the school board or the petition of the legal voters shall include the amount by which the school board would increase its property tax request for the year over and above the property tax request authority of such school district. The county clerk or election commissioner shall call for a special election on the issue within thirty days after the receipt of such school board recommendation or legal voter petition. The election shall be held pursuant to the Election Act, and all costs shall be paid by the school district.(2)(a) A school district may increase the base growth percentage used to determine its property tax request authority under section 79-3403 by a percentage approved by an affirmative vote of at least seventy percent of the school board of such school district. The maximum base growth percentage that may be approved under this subsection shall be: (i) The base growth percentage that would otherwise be applicable plus an additional seven percent for school districts with an average daily membership of no more than four hundred seventy-one students;(ii) The base growth percentage that would otherwise be applicable plus an additional six percent for school districts with an average daily membership of more than four hundred seventy-one students but no more than three thousand forty-four students;(iii) The base growth percentage that would otherwise be applicable plus an additional five percent for school districts with an average daily membership of more than three thousand forty-four students but no more than ten thousand students; or(iv) The base growth percentage that would otherwise be applicable plus an additional four percent for school districts with an average daily membership of more than ten thousand students.(b) Before a school board votes to increase a school district's base growth percentage under this subsection, the school board shall publish notice of the upcoming vote in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the school district. Such publication shall occur at least one week prior to the public meeting at which the vote will be taken.(3) A school district's property tax request may exceed its property tax request authority pursuant to any property tax authority approved by the voters at a levy override election under section 77-3444 held prior to January 1, 2024.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 79-3405
Added by Laws 2023, LB 243,§ 5, eff. 5/27/2023, op. 6/1/2023.