Section 79-3306 - Statewide computer science education expansion program; State Department of Education; powers and duties(1) The State Department of Education shall establish a statewide computer science education expansion program to recruit, train, and support teachers in computer science and technology education. Such program shall include: (a) Training for teachers seeking supplemental computer science certification;(b) Training designed to support the integration of computer science and technology education into the instructional programs of elementary, middle, and high schools;(c) Support for schools and teachers in the development of computer science instructional plans that are consistent with the academic content standards for computer science and technology education adopted by the State Board of Education; and(d) Incentive and stipend payments for teachers who meet training, certification, and teaching requirements as established by the State Board of Education.(2) The State Department of Education shall employ or contract with computer science specialists to develop and deliver computer science educator training. Such training shall be provided in a manner so that every teacher in this state has reasonable access to the training.(3) The State Department of Education shall annually submit a report electronically to the Governor and the Clerk of the Legislature relating to the statewide computer science education expansion program. Such report shall include: (a) The number of training opportunities held and the format of such training;(b) The number of teachers who received training;(c) To the extent such information is available, the number of teachers that became certified or received an endorsement in computer science and technology education or began teaching a class in computer science and technology education within three calendar months following completion of training provided pursuant to this section; and(d) The costs associated with such training for the fiscal year covered by the report.(4) The State Board of Education may adopt and promulgate rules and regulations to carry out this section.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 79-3306
Laws 2024, LB 1284, § 15.Added by Laws 2024, LB 1284,§ 15, eff. 7/19/2024.