Section 70-311 - Electric transmission or electric distribution lines; notice of road, road ditch improvement, or other projects; when given(1) Whenever any county or township road construction, widening, repair, or grading project or any road ditch improvement project requires, or can reasonably be expected to require, the performance of any work within ten feet of any electric transmission or electric distribution line, poles, or anchors, notice to the owner of such line, poles, or anchors shall be given by the respective county or township officers in charge of such projects. Such notice shall be given at least ninety days prior to the start of any work when, because of road construction, widening, repair, or grading or a road ditch improvement project, or for any other reason, it is necessary to relocate such line, poles, or anchors or if such work will compromise the structural integrity of the line, poles, or anchors.(2) If a natural resources district will be altering a road structure or grading or moving earth for a flood control, recreation, or other project that requires, or can reasonably be expected to require, the performance of any work within ten feet of any electric transmission or electric distribution line, poles, or anchors, notice to the owner of such line, poles, or anchors shall be given by the respective natural resources district in charge of such projects. Such notice shall be given at least ninety days prior to the start of any work when, because of such road structure alteration or grading or moving earth, or for any other reason, it is necessary to relocate such line, poles, or anchors or if such work will compromise the structural integrity of the line, poles, or anchors.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 70-311
Laws 2002, LB 1105, § 474; Laws 2010, LB 643, § 1.