Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 60-1414
In the preparation and conduct of such hearings, the members of the board and executive director, or hearing officer employed by the board, shall have the power to require the attendance and testimony of any witness and the production of any papers or documents in order to assure a fair trial. They may sign and issue subpoenas therefor and administer oaths and examine witnesses and take any evidence they deem pertinent to the determination of the charges. Any witnesses so subpoenaed shall be entitled to the same fees as prescribed by law in judicial proceedings in the district court of this state in a civil action and mileage at the same rate provided in section 81-1176 for state employees. The payment of such fees and mileage must be out of and kept within the limits of the funds provided for the administration of the board. The party against whom such charges may be filed shall have the right to obtain from the executive director a subpoena for any witnesses which he or she may desire at such hearing and depositions may be taken as in civil court cases in the district court. Any information obtained from the books and records of the person complained against may not be used against the person complained against as the basis for a criminal prosecution under the laws of this state.
Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 60-1414