Section 60-1403.01 - License required; restriction on issuance; exception(1) No person shall engage in the business as, serve in the capacity of, or act as a motor vehicle, trailer, or motorcycle dealer, wrecker or salvage dealer, auction dealer, dealer's agent, manufacturer, factory branch, factory representative, distributor, distributor branch, or distributor representative in this state without being licensed by the board under the Motor Vehicle Industry Regulation Act. No dealer's license shall be issued to any minor. No wrecker or salvage dealer's license shall be issued or renewed unless the applicant has a permanent place of business at which the activity requiring licensing is performed and which conforms to all local laws.(2) A license issued under the act shall authorize the holder thereof to engage in the business or activities permitted by the license subject to the act and the rules and regulations adopted and promulgated by the board under the act.(3) This section shall not apply to a licensed real estate salesperson or broker who negotiates for sale or sells a trailer for any individual who is the owner of not more than two trailers.(4) This section shall not restrict a licensed motor vehicle dealer from conducting an auction as provided in subsection (5) of section 60-1417.02.