- Section 54-2901 - Act, how cited
- Section 54-2902 - Definitions, where found
- Section 54-2903 - Accredited veterinarian, defined
- Section 54-2904 - Affected animal, herd, or flock, defined
- Section 54-2905 - Affected premises, defined
- Section 54-2906 - Animal, defined
- Section 54-2907 - Approved laboratory, defined
- Section 54-2908 - Cattle, defined
- Section 54-2909 - Certificate of veterinary inspection, defined
- Section 54-2910 - Controlled movement, defined
- Section 54-2911 - Dangerous disease, defined
- Section 54-2912 - Department, defined
- Section 54-2913 - Director, defined
- Section 54-2914 - Domesticated cervine animal, defined
- Section 54-2915 - Embargo, defined
- Section 54-2916 - Exposed, defined
- Section 54-2917 - Foreign animal or transboundary disease, defined
- Section 54-2918 - Herd or flock, defined
- Section 54-2919 - Herd or flock management plan, defined
- Section 54-2920 - Infected or positive animal, herd, or flock, defined
- Section 54-2921 - Livestock, defined
- Section 54-2922 - Negative animal, herd, or flock, defined
- Section 54-2923 - Official test, defined
- Section 54-2924 - Permit for entry or permit, defined
- Section 54-2925 - Person, defined
- Section 54-2926 - Poultry, defined
- Section 54-2927 - Premises, defined
- Section 54-2928 - Program disease, defined
- Section 54-2929 - Program disease activity or surveillance, defined
- Section 54-2930 - Program standards, defined
- Section 54-2931 - Quarantine, defined
- Section 54-2932 - Ratite bird, defined
- Section 54-2933 - Regulated article, defined
- Section 54-2934 - Responder or suspect, defined
- Section 54-2935 - Sale, defined
- Section 54-2936 - State Veterinarian, defined
- Section 54-2937 - Trace or tracing, defined
- Section 54-2938 - USDA/APHIS/VS, defined
- Section 54-2939 - Legislative findings; department; powers
- Section 54-2940 - Animal Health and Disease Control Act and Exotic Animal Auction or Exchange Venue Act; department; powers
- Section 54-2941 - Veterinary inspector or agent of the USDA/APHIS/VS; act as agent of the department, when
- Section 54-2942 - Department; animal disease control and eradication responsibilities; cooperate and contract; agreements authorized
- Section 54-2943 - Failure to carry out program disease activities; department powers and duties; costs; reimbursement; late fee; funds; expenditures authorized
- Section 54-2944 - Affected animal, herd, or flock; affected premises; owner or custodian; duties; duty to report
- Section 54-2945 - Bovine trichomoniasis; prohibited acts; duty to report; notice to adjacent landowner or land manager; form or affidavit submitted to department; department; duties; costs
- Section 54-2946 - Dead animal; proper disposal; what constitutes; effect; owner or custodian; duties; sheriff; powers and duties; suspicion of anthrax; owner or custodian; duties; acts prohibited; department powers
- Section 54-2947 - Pre-entry certificate of veterinary inspection; required; exceptions; permits, required when; prohibited acts; department powers
- Section 54-2948 - Livestock; official identification; compliance with federal regulations; device or method; use; device removal, prohibited; exceptions
- Section 54-2949 - Premises registration; animal disease traceability; information; restrictions on disclosure; violations; penalty
- Section 54-2950 - Records or reports; requirements
- Section 54-2951 - Vaccine; sale and use restrictions
- Section 54-2952 - Waste animal products, defined; feed to animals; unlawful; exceptions
- Section 54-2953 - Violation of Animal Health and Disease Control Act or Exotic Animal Auction or Exchange Venue Act; cease and desist order; administrative fine; injunctions; procedures
- Section 54-2954 - Violation of Animal Health and Disease Control Act or Exotic Animal Auction or Exchange Venue Act; orders of department; arrests; law enforcement officer; county attorney; powers and duties
- Section 54-2955 - Animal Health and Disease Control Act or Exotic Animal Auction or Exchange Venue Act; embargo or importation order; required herd management plan; violations; penalties
- Section 54-2956 - Animal Health and Disease Control Act and Exotic Animal Auction or Exchange Venue Act; prohibited acts
- Section 54-2957 - Animal Health and Disease Control Act Cash Fund; created; use; investment