- Section 44-2801 - Legislative findings and intent
- Section 44-2802 - Terms, defined; common-law meaning; when
- Section 44-2803 - Health care provider, defined
- Section 44-2804 - Physician, defined
- Section 44-2805 - Patient, defined
- Section 44-2806 - Hospital, defined
- Section 44-2807 - Director, defined
- Section 44-2808 - Representative, defined
- Section 44-2809 - Tort, defined
- Section 44-2810 - Malpractice or professional negligence, defined
- Section 44-2811 - Health care, defined
- Section 44-2812 - Risk manager, defined
- Section 44-2813 - Occurrence, defined
- Section 44-2814 - Insurer, defined
- Section 44-2815 - Authority, defined
- Section 44-2816 - Informed consent, defined
- Section 44-2817 - Nonrefundable payments, benefits, or damages, defined
- Section 44-2818 - Health care provider; express or implied contract assuring results; liability; when
- Section 44-2819 - Bodily injuries or wrongful death actions; evidence of medical reimbursement insurance inadmissible; credit against judgment; damages recoverable
- Section 44-2820 - Action based on failure to obtain informed consent; burden of proof
- Section 44-2821 - Health care provider; failure to qualify under act; liability under common law; qualified under act; remedy; election not to be bound by act; procedure; post sign; contents
- Section 44-2822 - Claim for bodily injury or death; petition or complaint; file; damages
- Section 44-2823 - [Repealed]
- Section 44-2824 - [Operative Until 1/1/2025] [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Health care provider; qualify under act; conditions
- Section 44-2824 - Health care provider; qualify under act; conditions
- Section 44-2825 - [Operative Until 1/1/2025] [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Action for injury or death; maximum amount recoverable; settlement; manner
- Section 44-2825 - Action for injury or death; maximum amount recoverable; settlement; manner; coverage; how treated
- Section 44-2826 - Advance payment; not construed as admission of liability; inadmissible as evidence; reduction or adjustment of judgment; claim not assignable
- Section 44-2827 - [Operative Until 1/1/2025] [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Health care provider; proof of financial responsibility; filing by insurer
- Section 44-2827 - Health care provider; proof of financial responsibility; filing by insurer
- Section 44-2827.01 - General acute hospital; psychiatric or mental hospital operated by Board of Regents; physician employed by Board of Regents; risk-loss trust authorized; requirements; director; powers and duties; surcharge
- Section 44-2828 - Action to recover damages; limitation of action
- Section 44-2829 - Excess Liability Fund; created; how funded; use surcharge; premiums
- Section 44-2830 - Excess Liability Fund; surcharge, adjusted; when; reinsurance; effect
- Section 44-2831 - Excess Liability Fund; special surcharge; reinsurance
- Section 44-2831.01 - [Operative Until 1/1/2025] [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Applicability of change to law
- Section 44-2831.01 - Applicability of change to law
- Section 44-2832 - [Operative Until 1/1/2025] [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Claims; paid; procedure; limitation
- Section 44-2832 - Claims; paid; procedure; limitation
- Section 44-2833 - [Operative Until 1/1/2025] [Effective Until 1/1/2025] Claim; agreement to settle; procedure; settlement; judgment; appeal
- Section 44-2833 - Claim; agreement to settle; procedure; settlement; judgment; appeal
- Section 44-2834 - Cause of action; attorney's fees; court costs; loss of earnings; when payable
- Section 44-2835 - Malpractice claim; settled or adjudicated to final judgment; report; contents; forwarded to Department of Health and Human Services
- Section 44-2836 - Malpractice liability insurance; limitation on liability; when; required policy provisions; insurer; failure to pay final judgment; effect
- Section 44-2837 - Residual Malpractice Insurance Authority; created; purpose; risk manager; powers and duties; compensation
- Section 44-2838 - Health care provider; unable to obtain coverage; apply to risk manager; decision; appeal
- Section 44-2839 - Health care professional liability insurance plan; contents; premiums; use
- Section 44-2840 - Medical review panels; review claims; procedure; waiver
- Section 44-2841 - Medical review panel; members; selection; procedure
- Section 44-2842 - Medical review panel; evidence considered; depositions; chairperson; duties
- Section 44-2843 - Medical review panel; access to information; written opinion; issuance; basis for
- Section 44-2844 - Request for review of a claim; filed; toll statute of limitations; panel report; admissible as evidence; panelist; immunity
- Section 44-2845 - Medical review panel; members; compensation; expert witness fee
- Section 44-2846 - Proceedings before panel; confidential; exception; waiver of privileges; when; witnesses; rights
- Section 44-2847 - Medical review panel; not to consider disputed questions of law; adviser to panel
- Section 44-2848 - [Repealed]
- Section 44-2849 - [Repealed]
- Section 44-2850 - [Repealed]
- Section 44-2851 - [Repealed]
- Section 44-2852 - [Repealed]
- Section 44-2853 - [Repealed]
- Section 44-2854 - Director; contract for administrative duties and responsibilities; supervisory authority
- Section 44-2854.01 - Rules and regulations
- Section 44-2855 - Act, how cited