Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 44-2621
Every individual applicant for a license under sections 44-2606 to 44-2635 shall have attained the age of majority, shall be competent, trustworthy, financially responsible, and of good personal and business reputation, and shall have been licensed as an agent, broker, or consultant in this state or another state for the three years immediately preceding the date of application or have successfully completed a specific program of study which has a broad national or regional recognition as determined by the director. Application shall be made to the director on forms prescribed by the director and shall be accompanied by a license fee as established by the director not to exceed one hundred dollars for each resident individual license, not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars for each nonresident individual license, not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars for each resident corporate, partnership, or limited liability company license, and not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars for each nonresident corporate, partnership, or limited liability company license. If the applicant is an individual, the application shall include the applicant's social security number. The director may issue an insurance consultant's license in two areas: Property and casualty insurance; and life, health, and annuities. A person may become licensed in either one or both of such areas.
Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 44-2621