Section 43-271 - Prompt hearing and disposition; detention review hearing(1)(a) A juvenile taken into custody pursuant to sections 43-248, 43-250, and 43-253 shall be brought before the court for adjudication as soon as possible after the petition is filed. On the return of the summons or other process, or mailing of the notice in lieu of summons, or as soon thereafter as legally may be, the court shall proceed to hear and dispose of the case as provided in section 43-279.(b) The hearing as to a juvenile in custody of the probation officer or the court shall be held as soon as possible but, in all cases, within a six-month period after the petition is filed, and as to a juvenile not in such custody as soon as practicable but, in all cases, within a six-month period after the petition is filed. The computation of the six-month period provided for in this section shall be made as provided in section 29-1207, as applicable.(2) Any juvenile taken into custody pursuant to sections 43-248, 43-250, and 43-253 may request a detention review hearing. The detention review hearing shall be conducted within forty-eight hours after the request.