Section 38-2877 - Delegated dispensing permit; denial or disciplinary actions; notice; hearing; procedure(1) If the department, with the recommendation of the board, determines to deny an application for a delegated dispensing permit or to revoke, limit, suspend, or refuse renewal of a delegated dispensing permit, the department shall send to the applicant or permittee, by certified mail, a notice setting forth the particular reasons for the determination. The denial, limitation, suspension, revocation, or refusal of renewal shall become final thirty days after the mailing of the notice unless the applicant or permittee, within such thirty-day period, requests a hearing in writing. The applicant or permittee shall be given a fair hearing before the department and may present such evidence as may be proper. On the basis of such evidence, the determination involved shall be affirmed or set aside, and a copy of such decision setting forth the finding of facts and the particular reasons upon which it is based shall be sent by certified mail to the applicant or permittee. The decision shall become final thirty days after a copy of such decision is mailed unless the applicant or permittee within such thirty-day period appeals the decision pursuant to section 38-2879.(2) The procedure governing hearings authorized by this section shall be in accordance with rules and regulations adopted and promulgated by the department. A full and complete record shall be kept of all proceedings. Witnesses may be subpoenaed by either party and shall be allowed a fee at a rate prescribed by the rules and regulations adopted and promulgated by the department. The proceedings shall be summary in nature and triable as equity actions. Affidavits may be received in evidence in the discretion of the director. The department shall have the power to administer oaths, to subpoena witnesses and compel their attendance, and to issue subpoenas duces tecum and require the production of books, accounts, and documents in the same manner and to the same extent as the district courts of the state. Depositions may be used by either party.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 38-2877
Laws 1994, LB 900, § 14; Laws 1996, LB 1044, § 466; Laws 1998, LB 1073, § 69; Laws 2001, LB 398, § 52; R.S.1943, (2003), § 71-1,147.44; Laws 2007, LB296, § 350; Laws 2007, LB463, § 973.