Section 38-2874 - Delegated dispensing site; inspection; requirements; fees(1) Before a delegated dispensing permit may be issued by the department, with the recommendation of the board, a pharmacy inspector of the board shall conduct an onsite inspection of the delegated dispensing site. A hospital applying for a delegated dispensing permit shall not be subject to an initial inspection or inspection fees pursuant to this subsection if the delegated dispensing site was inspected by the department pursuant to licensure under the Health Care Facility Licensure Act.(2) Each permittee shall have the delegated dispensing site inspected at least once on an annual basis. Such inspection may be conducted by self-inspection or other compliance assurance modalities, when approved by the board, as authorized in the rules and regulations of the department. A hospital with a delegated dispensing permit shall not be subject to annual inspections or inspection fees pursuant to this subsection if the delegated dispensing site was inspected by the department pursuant to licensure under the Health Care Facility Licensure Act.(3) Any applicant or permittee who fails to meet the requirements of the board or department to dispense drugs or devices pursuant to a delegated dispensing permit shall, prior to dispensing (a) have the delegated dispensing site reinspected by a pharmacy inspector of the board and (b) pay any reinspection fees.(4) The department, with the recommendation of the board, shall set inspection fees by rule and regulation not to exceed the fees established for pharmacy inspections required to obtain a pharmacy license under the Health Care Facility Licensure Act. The department shall remit inspection fees to the State Treasurer for credit to the Professional and Occupational Credentialing Cash Fund.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 38-2874
Laws 2001, LB 398, § 49; Laws 2003, LB 242, § 54; R.S.1943, (2003), § 71-1,147.64; Laws 2007, LB463, § 970.