Section 38-2870 - Prescriptions for controlled substances; requirements; medical order; duration; dispensing; transmission(1) Beginning January 1, 2022, prescriptions for controlled substances listed in section 28-405 shall be subject to section 38-1,146, except that all such prescriptions issued by a practitioner who is a dentist shall be subject to section 38-1,146 beginning January 1, 2024.(2) All medical orders shall be written, oral, or electronic and shall be valid for the period stated in the medical order, except that (a) if the medical order is for a controlled substance listed in section 28-405, such period shall not exceed six months from the date of issuance at which time the medical order shall expire and (b) if the medical order is for a drug or device which is not a controlled substance listed in section 28-405 or is an order issued by a practitioner for pharmaceutical care, such period shall not exceed twelve months from the date of issuance at which time the medical order shall expire.(3) Prescription drugs or devices may only be dispensed by a pharmacist or pharmacist intern pursuant to a medical order, by an individual dispensing pursuant to a delegated dispensing permit, or as otherwise provided in section 38-2850. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, a pharmacist or a pharmacist intern may dispense drugs or devices pursuant to a medical order or an individual dispensing pursuant to a delegated dispensing permit may dispense drugs or devices pursuant to a medical order. The Pharmacy Practice Act shall not be construed to require any pharmacist or pharmacist intern to dispense, compound, administer, or prepare for administration any drug or device pursuant to any medical order. A pharmacist or pharmacist intern shall retain the professional right to refuse to dispense.(4) Except as otherwise provided in sections 28-414 and 28-414.01, a practitioner or the practitioner's agent may transmit a medical order to a pharmacist or pharmacist intern and an authorized refill to a pharmacist, pharmacist intern, or pharmacy technician by the following means: (c) by facsimile transmission of a written medical order or electronic transmission of a medical order signed by the practitioner, or(d) by facsimile transmission of a written medical order or electronic transmission of a medical order which is not signed by the practitioner. Such an unsigned medical order shall be verified with the practitioner.(5)(a) Except as otherwise provided in sections 28-414 and 28-414.01, any medical order transmitted by facsimile or electronic transmission shall: (i) Be transmitted by the practitioner or the practitioner's agent directly to a pharmacist or pharmacist intern in a licensed pharmacy of the patient's choice; and any authorized refill transmitted by facsimile or electronic transmission shall be transmitted by the practitioner or the practitioner's agent directly to a pharmacist, pharmacist intern, or pharmacy technician. No intervening person shall be permitted access to the medical order to alter such order or the licensed pharmacy chosen by the patient. Such medical order may be transmitted through a third-party intermediary who shall facilitate the transmission of the order from the practitioner or practitioner's agent to the pharmacy;(ii) Identify the transmitter's telephone number or other suitable information necessary to contact the transmitter for written or oral confirmation, the time and date of the transmission, the identity of the pharmacy intended to receive the transmission, and other information as required by law; and(iii) Serve as the original medical order if all other requirements of this subsection are satisfied.(b) Medical orders transmitted by electronic transmission shall be signed by the practitioner either with an electronic signature for legend drugs which are not controlled substances or a digital signature for legend drugs which are controlled substances.(6) The pharmacist shall exercise professional judgment regarding the accuracy, validity, and authenticity of any medical order transmitted by facsimile or electronic transmission.(7) The quantity of drug indicated in a medical order for a resident of a long-term care facility shall be sixty days unless otherwise limited by the prescribing practitioner.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 38-2870
Laws 2001, LB 398, § 35; Laws 2005, LB 382, § 7; R.S.Supp.,2006, § 71-1,146.01; Laws 2007, LB463, § 966; Laws 2014, LB 811, § 26; Laws 2015, LB 37, § 48; Laws 2017, LB 166, § 16; Laws 2018, LB 731, § 74; Laws 2021, LB 583, § 5.Amended by Laws 2021, LB 583,§ 5, eff. 1/1/2022.Amended by Laws 2018, LB 731,§ 74, eff. 7/19/2018.Amended by Laws 2017, LB 166,§ 16, eff. 4/28/2017.Amended by Laws 2015, LB 37,§ 48, eff. 8/30/2015.Amended by Laws 2014, LB 811,§ 26, eff. 7/18/2014.