Section 32-1517 - Election officials; employers; prohibited acts; penalties(1) Any person appointed to be a precinct or district inspector or a judge or clerk of election who refuses, neglects, or fails to serve without excuse shall be guilty of a Class IV misdemeanor.(2) Any employer of a person appointed to be a precinct or district inspector or a judge or clerk of election who threatens to discharge or coerces or attempts to coerce such person by reason of his or her service as an inspector or a judge or clerk of election shall be guilty of a Class III misdemeanor and such employer shall be subject to a mandatory five-hundred-dollar fine upon conviction.(3) Any employer of a person appointed to be a precinct or district inspector or a judge or clerk of election who discharges such person from employment, docks such person's pay, overtime pay, sick leave, or vacation time, or in any other way penalizes such person because of his or her service as an inspector, a judge, or a clerk shall be guilty of a Class III felony.