Section 32-1201.01 - Gift, grant, or donation; permitted, when(1) The Secretary of State, election commissioners, and county clerks shall not accept or use any gift, grant, or donation from any private entity for the purpose of preparing for, administering, or conducting an election unless the money received as a result of such gift, grant, or donation is appropriated to the Secretary of State for such use by the Legislature.(2) This section does not prohibit (a) the acceptance of an in-kind contribution of food or beverages for election workers during the administration of an election or (b) the actual use of a public or private building, without charge or for a reduced fee, for the purposes of conducting an election, including use as a polling place or for election training purposes.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 32-1201.01
Added by Laws 2022, LB 843,§ 44, eff. 7/21/2022.