Section 25-3309 - Secretary of State; issue certificate of registration or renewal of registration; refusal to issue; grounds; suspend, revoke, or refuse renewal; temporary certificate; submission of data; contents; report(1) The Secretary of State shall issue a certificate of registration to a civil litigation funding company who complies with subsection (2) of section 25-3307 or a renewal of registration under subsection (3) of section 25-3307.(2) The Secretary of State may refuse to issue a certificate of registration if the Secretary of State determines that the character, fitness, or financial responsibility of the civil litigation funding company are such as to warrant belief that the business will not be operated honestly or fairly within the purposes of the Nonrecourse Civil Litigation Act.(3) The Secretary of State may suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew a certificate of registration for conduct that would have justified denial of registration under subsection (2) of section 25-3307 or for violating section 25-3304.(4) The Secretary of State may deny, suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew a certificate of registration only after proper notice and an opportunity for a hearing. The Administrative Procedure Act applies to the Nonrecourse Civil Litigation Act.(5) The Secretary of State may issue a temporary certificate of registration while an application for registration or renewal of registration is pending.(6) The Secretary of State shall require a civil litigation funding company registered pursuant to the act to annually submit certain data, in a form prescribed by the Secretary of State that contains:(a) The number of nonrecourse civil litigation fundings;(b) The amount of nonrecourse civil litigation fundings;(c) The number of nonrecourse civil litigation fundings required to be repaid by the consumer;(d) The amount charged to the consumer, including, but not limited to, the annual percentage fee charged to the consumer and the itemized fees charged to the consumer; and(e) The dollar amount and number of cases in which the realization to the civil litigation funding company was less than contracted.(7) The Secretary of State shall annually prepare and electronically submit a report to the Clerk of the Legislature and to the Judiciary Committee of the Legislature on the status of nonrecourse civil litigation funding activities in the state. The report shall include aggregate information reported by registered civil litigation funding companies.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 25-3309
Laws 2010, LB 1094, § 9; Laws 2012, LB 782, § 30.