Article 18 - CORONER
- Section 23-1801 - Inquest; when authorized; coroner's jury; compensation
- Section 23-1802 - Inquest; warrant; form
- Section 23-1803 - Inquest; warrant; execution
- Section 23-1804 - Inquest; coroner's jury; vacancies; oath
- Section 23-1805 - Inquest; juror; refusal to serve; penalty
- Section 23-1806 - Inquest; subpoenas; power to issue
- Section 23-1807 - Inquest; witnesses; oath
- Section 23-1808 - Inquest; witnesses; recognizance for appearance in district court
- Section 23-1809 - Inquest; verdict; form
- Section 23-1810 - Inquest; verdict of murder or manslaughter; effect
- Section 23-1811 - Inquest; arrest; when authorized
- Section 23-1812 - Inquest; warrant of arrest; effect
- Section 23-1813 - Inquest; warrant of arrest; contents
- Section 23-1814 - Inquest; return to district court; contents; duty
- Section 23-1815 - Inquest; personal property; discovery on or near body; disposition
- Section 23-1816 - Inquest; body of deceased; disposition
- Section 23-1817 - Coroner; duties; performance by sheriff
- Section 23-1818 - Inquest; surgeons; subpoena; when authorized
- Section 23-1819 - Murder; warrant for arrest of suspect; when required
- Section 23-1820 - Coroner's physician; appointment; when authorized; duties; compensation; mileage
- Section 23-1821 - Death during apprehension or custody; notice required; penalty
- Section 23-1822 - Death during apprehension or custody; county coroner; duties
- Section 23-1823 - Death during apprehension or custody; powers
- Section 23-1824 - Minor; autopsy required; when; guidelines; reimbursement
- Section 23-1825 - Organ and tissue donations; legislative findings
- Section 23-1826 - Organ and tissue donations; terms, defined
- Section 23-1827 - Organ and tissue donations; preliminary investigation; access to information; release of organs or tissues; exception; presence for removal procedure
- Section 23-1828 - Organ and tissue donations; failure to complete preliminary investigation; effect
- Section 23-1829 - Organ and tissue donations; denial of recovery; written report required
- Section 23-1830 - Organ and tissue donations; coroner's access to medical information, medical records, pathology reports, and the donor's body
- Section 23-1831 - Organ and tissue donations; report provided to coroner; contents
- Section 23-1832 - Organ and tissue donations; immunity from criminal liability