Section 2-4808 - Mediation; request; participants(1) Any borrower or creditor may request mediation of any indebtedness incurred in relation to an agricultural loan by applying to the farm mediation service. Any party involved in an adverse decision from a United States Department of Agriculture agency may request mediation by applying to the farm mediation service. The farm mediation service may also accept disputes regarding division fences, including disputes referred by a court pursuant to section 34-112.02.(2) The farm mediation service shall notify all the parties and, upon their consent, schedule a meeting with a mediator. The parties shall not be required to attend any mediation meetings under this section, and failure to attend any mediation meetings or to participate in mediation under this section shall not affect the rights of any party in any manner. Participation in mediation under this section shall not be a prerequisite or a bar to the institution of or prosecution of legal proceedings by any party.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 2-4808
Laws 1988, LB 664, § 8; Laws 1997, LB 200, § 3; Laws 2007, LB108, § 2.