Section 18-1804 - Revenue bonds; general provisions; enumeratedGeneral provisions relating to the form, sale, issuance, and other matters concerning revenue bonds issued by municipalities shall be as follows:
(1) The form, denominations, and other features of such bond issues shall be as prescribed by the governing body in the ordinance authorizing the issuance of such bonds. The official designated shall be responsible for the sale and issuance of such bonds, for their delivery, for promptly and properly depositing the proceeds from such bonds, and for other ministerial acts relating to bonds;(2) Revenue bonds shall be issued for such terms as the ordinance authorizing such bonds shall prescribe but shall not mature later than fifty years after the date of issuance thereof and may be issued with or without an option of redemption as shall be determined by the governing body;(3) Revenue bonds shall be sold for such price, bear interest at such rate or rates, and be payable as to principal and interest at such time or times and at such place or places within or without the state as shall be determined by the governing body;(4) Any ordinance authorizing revenue bonds may contain such covenants and provisions to protect and safeguard the security of the holders of such bonds as shall be deemed necessary to assure the prompt payment of the principal thereof and the interest thereon. Such covenants and provisions may establish or provide for, but shall not be limited to, (a) the payment of interest on such bonds from the proceeds thereof for such period as the governing body deems advisable, the creation of reserve funds from bond proceeds, revenue of the facility for or with respect to which the bonds were issued or other available money, the creation of trust funds, and the appointment of trustees for the purpose of receiving and disbursing bond proceeds or the collection and disbursement of revenue from the facility for or with respect to which the bonds were issued, (b) the limitations or conditions upon the issuance of additional bonds payable from the revenue of the facility for or with respect to which the bonds were issued, (c) the operation, maintenance, management, accounting, and auditing procedures to be followed in the operation of the facility, and (d) the conditions under which any trustee or bondholders committee shall be entitled to the appointment of a receiver to take possession of the facility, to manage it, and to receive and apply revenue from the facility;(5) The provisions of this section and any ordinances authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds pursuant to this section shall constitute a contract of the municipality with every holder of such bonds and shall be enforceable by any bondholder by mandamus or other appropriate action at law or in equity in any court of competent jurisdiction;(6) Bonds issued pursuant to this section shall not be a debt of the municipality within the meaning of any constitutional, statutory, or charter limitation upon the creation of general obligation indebtedness of the municipality, and the municipality shall not be liable for the payment of such bonds out of any money of the municipality other than the revenue pledged to the payment thereof, and all bonds issued pursuant to this section shall contain a recital to that effect. The holders of all revenue bonds shall have a lien on the revenue of the facility for or with respect to which they are issued subject to conditions provided in the ordinance authorizing the issuance of such bonds;(7) Whenever the governing body shall have issued any revenue bonds, the governing body shall establish, maintain, revise, and collect charges and rates throughout the life of the bonds at least sufficient to provide for all costs associated with the ownership, operation, maintenance, renewal, and replacement of the facility for or with respect to which the bonds were issued and the payment of the principal and interest on all indebtedness incurred with respect thereto and to provide adequate reserves therefor, to maintain such coverage for the payment of such indebtedness as the governing body may deem advisable, to maintain such other reserves as provided in the ordinances authorizing the issuance of such bonds, and to carry out the provisions of such ordinances; and(8) Bonds issued pursuant to this section shall be signed by the mayor or chairperson of the village board of trustees and countersigned by the official designated. Signatures upon such bonds and coupons shall be in such form as the governing body may prescribe in the bond ordinance concerned. At least one manual signature shall be affixed to each bond, but other required signatures may be affixed as facsimile signatures. The use on bonds and coupons of a printed facsimile of the municipal seal is also authorized.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 18-1804
Laws 1967, c. 80, § 2, p. 254; Laws 1969, c. 51, § 68, p. 314; Laws 1976, LB 825, § 7; Laws 2021, LB 163, § 121.Amended by Laws 2021, LB 163,§ 121, eff. 8/28/2021.