Section 13-407 - Restricting or prohibiting types or fuel sources of energy; prohibited, when(1) No county, city, village, or other political subdivision of the state shall enact or implement any ordinance, code, resolution, rule, regulation, or policy that restricts, prohibits, or has the effect of restricting or prohibiting the types or fuel sources of energy that may be used, delivered, converted, or supplied by the following entities to serve customers that such entities are authorized to serve: (a) A natural gas utility;(b) A natural gas transmission company; or(c) A retail marketer or dispenser of propane.(2) This section does not apply to ordinances, codes, resolutions, rules, regulations, or policies: (a) Governing a natural gas utility owned or operated and directly controlled by a city or village; or(b) Regulating a retail marketer or dispenser of propane.Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 13-407
Added by Laws 2024, LB 867,§ 12, eff. 7/19/2024.