Wash. Rev. Code § 81.04.290
A corporate public service company, either heretofore or hereafter organized under the laws of this state, may sell to its employees and patrons any increase of its capital stock, or part thereof, without first offering it to existing stockholders: PROVIDED, That such sale is approved by the holders of a majority of the capital stock, at a regular or special meeting held after notice given as to the time, place, and object thereof as provided by law and the bylaws of the company. Such sales shall be at prices and in amounts for each purchaser and upon terms and conditions as set forth in the resolution passed at the stockholders' meeting, or in a resolution passed at a subsequent meeting of the board of trustees if the resolution passed at the stockholders' meeting shall authorize the board to determine prices, amounts, terms, and conditions, except that in either event a minimum price for the stock must be fixed in the resolution passed at the stockholders' meeting.
RCW 81.04.290