Wash. Rev. Code § 76.48.011
RCW 76.48.011
Finding-Intent- 2009 c 245 : "(1) The legislature finds that the specialized forest products work group created pursuant to section 2, chapter 392, Laws of 2007 produced a number of consensus recommendations to the legislature as to how the permitting requirements of chapter 76.48 RCW can be improved. In making recommendations, the work group focused on the goals enumerated in RCW 76.48.011.
(2) It is the intent of the legislature to enact those recommendations contained in the report submitted to the legislature from the specialized forest products work group in December 2008 that require statutory modifications.
(3) It is also the intent of the legislature for the department of natural resources, along with other state and local agencies, to take those administrative actions necessary to execute the recommendations contained in the report that do not require statutory changes. When taking administrative actions regarding specialized forest products, those actions should, when appropriate, be conducted consistent with recommendations contained in the report submitted to the legislature from the specialized forest products work group." [2009 c 245 s 1.]